How Enterprise SEO Agencies Can Fuel Business Growth


April 17, 2024

How Enterprise SEO Agencies Can Fuel Business Growth

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What is SEO, and Why is it Important for Modern Enterprises?

What’s Unique about Enterprise SEO (vs. SEO for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses?)

How Can Enterprise SEO Agencies Help You Maximize Visibility?

Overcoming the Challenges of Building and Sustaining an Enterprise SEO Agency Partnership

Choosing an Enterprise SEO Services Partner: What to Look for in an Agency

Partner with Cureight for Successful Enterprise SEO Services

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Making a splash in today’s crowded and noisy digital marketplace isn’t easy—even if you’re the proverbial big fish in a small pond. More large enterprises are turning to specialist SEO agencies to craft, implement, and manage a rock-solid SEO strategy to drive brand awareness and achieve sustained profitable growth.

If you’re considering engaging an enterprise SEO agency to make your online presence work better for your business, this guide is for you. We’ll break down the importance of enterprise SEO, consider the various elements of a comprehensive SEO strategy, and discuss how to overcome challenges you may encounter along the way.

We’ll also discuss the services offered by enterprise SEO agencies, and how a partnership with Cureight can help grow your business by maximizing your web presence and improving sales and ROI.

What is SEO, and Why is it Important for Modern Enterprises?

In simple terms, SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of making a webpage viewable to searches, especially in Google. This process works by improving or optimizing a large website’s search engine rankings to gain greater visibility. An SEO strategy aims to push the website up in organic SERP (search engine results pages) rankings by applying SEO techniques.

Ryan Henry, CEO and Founder of Cureight, explains: “Essentially, enterprise SEO involves creating and/or optimizing content to help drive visibility and findability in search results. After all, if you can’t be seen, you’ll never be found, which means you’ll get very few visitors to your site.

“Think of it like the old Yellow Pages. When you searched for a particular service provider, your attention would be immediately drawn to the largest advertisements on the first page or two, and that’s typically who you would call. SEO is similar in that idea—if you’re not found first, you’re not going to be considered in the purchase journey of a buyer who’s looking for the types of services you offer.”

Grow Your Sales Funnel with Expert SEO

Let us help you increase your brand's findability and drive more traffic to your site.

What’s Unique about Enterprise SEO (vs. SEO for Small and Medium-Sized Businesses?)

For enterprise companies, the importance of an SEO strategy cannot be overstated. Because of the scale and size of enterprise-level businesses, these types of companies require a different level of specialized enterprise SEO services that goes beyond the basics.

This is where specialized SEO agencies come in. They offer solutions customized to the unique needs of these large businesses. The best enterprise SEO agencies are accustomed to enterprise-level SEO engagements’ unique dynamics and complexities.

How Can Enterprise SEO Agencies Help You Maximize Visibility?

Agencies like Cureight offer a suite of digital marketing and enterprise SEO services to enhance your online footprint and drive growth. Here’s how these services help you maximize your visibility and findability online:

Keyword Research

Keyword research is the bread and butter of successful enterprise SEO strategies. It’s all about finding the right keywords that potential customers use to search for services or products like yours. Enterprise SEO agencies use advanced tools to uncover the most effective keywords. This ensures your content hits the mark and ranks well on search engines.

Enterprise SEO agencies will:

  • Identify high-value keywords that balance volume with competitiveness.
  • Understand search intent that meets user expectations.
  • Use long-tail keywords that can attract highly targeted website traffic.

On-page Optimization Strategies

Developing robust SEO features on your website with on-page optimization strategies will improve visibility and enhance the user experience. These strategies revolve around the structure of your page and the positioning of content, and include:

  • Targeted title tags that contain prioritized keywords to improve search outcomes.
  • Concise meta descriptions that include relevant and competitive keywords.
  • Internal linking helps users navigate the site while distributing page authority.

Off-page SEO Techniques and Link Building

Off-page SEO includes all the activities outside your website’s borders that influence its ranking, such as link building and social media marketing. High-quality backlinks from reputable sites tell search engines that your site is trustworthy. SEO agencies have the connections and SEO strategies to secure these links, boosting your enterprise company’s website domain authority and search rankings. Your agency will take care of:

  • Link building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites.
  • Organic social media marketing to increase audience engagement.
  • Influencer outreach to secure greater visibility and credibility for your content.

Content Strategy for Enterprise Websites

Creating and managing content for large websites isn’t easy. SEO agencies develop scalable SEO content strategies that bring high-value leads. They include blog posts, product pages, and case studies to engage your audience and increase conversions.

Your enterprise SEO agency’s remit may include:

  • Content creation, including informative blogs, descriptions of products, paid media, and compelling case studies.
  • Content optimization, i.e., ensuring that each content piece has been optimized for specific keywords.
  • Scalable strategies that can grow with your business, including creating a content calendar, managing workflows, and analyzing performance.

Overcoming the Challenges of Building and Sustaining an Enterprise SEO Agency Partnership

Crafting and executing an SEO strategy for enterprise-level organizations comes with a myriad of potential roadblocks and complexities. Making an SEO agency-enterprise client partnership work requires specialized considerations and tactics.

Let’s explore some of the most common barriers to forging and maintaining a productive agency-client relationship and how to overcome them.

Bureaucracy and Slow Decision-Making

In smaller organizations, decisions are usually made relatively quickly. Often, a simple “OK” from the CEO or Head of Marketing is all that’s required to approve an SEO budget or launch a content optimization campaign.

Large enterprises, however, are renowned for their hierarchical structures and layers of internal complexity. This can stall decision-making for weeks or months, often making a long, uphill path to executing a successful SEO strategy.

“To speed decision-making and ensure the swift implementation of SEO programs, agencies and their enterprise clients need to prioritize agile decision-making. For this to work, agencies should be willing and able to regularly produce compelling data-driven insights to support their recommendations. For their part, enterprise clients must commit to acting on these suggestions promptly so SEO adjustments and improvements can be implemented flexibly and in real time,” says Henry.

Internal Silos and Turf Wars

Larger organizations typically comprise multiple departments, which can often create operational silos and even internal competition. Organizational barriers like these can complicate the task of managing SEO at an enterprise level.

For example, the copywriting, web development, and marketing teams may not be on the same page regarding SEO requirements. Each may want to “own” the SEO strategy and may even appoint their own SEO agencies to drive their own agenda. Not only does this waste time and effort, it also makes it impossible to set a clear SEO baseline and deploy a comprehensive strategy to advance toward the desired improvements.

Effective SEO requires effective communication among all involved departments and the agency to get everyone pulling in the same direction and avoid internal politics coming into play.

Ideally, you should set up regular, cross-functional SEO meetings to drive consensus and keep the strategy moving forward. Some companies find it helpful to establish an SEO Council comprising stakeholders from all affected departments—and the SEO agency—to establish a unified approach to SEO.

Years of SEO Neglect

Over the last decade, SEO has taken its rightful place at the top of the enterprise marketing agenda. However, it’s not uncommon for some large enterprises to have underinvested in or even completely overlooked SEO.

Years of insufficient SEO oversight can make the task of catching up and ultimately achieving SEO proficiency feel overwhelming for even the most seasoned internal marketing professionals.

“For enterprises with a legacy of SEO neglect, our first step is to conduct a comprehensive SEO audit to pinpoint where the gaps lie,” explains Henry. “Next, we prioritize these areas based on their potential impact on the client’s search rankings—and the degree of effort needed to fix them. We generally recommend starting by targeting the low-hanging fruit that can offer quick wins.”

Technical Barriers

It’s not uncommon for SEO agencies to encounter technical challenges when dealing with enterprise websites due to their age, size, or, as we mentioned previously, years of poor maintenance or neglect.

Common technical issues include broken links, outdated redirects, duplicate content, slow loading speeds, and other user experience (UX) issues.

“As part of our service, we typically perform a baseline website assessment to assess the general technical health of a client’s website and rate the level of user experience,” says Henry. “For example, what are the issues that might create frustration or mistrust for users when they come to a website and start to browse? How easy is it for people to find the information they’re looking for?

“We may also recommend clients rebuild and recode their website if it’s not properly optimized for mobile.”

Aside from being open to correcting basic “hygiene” issues such as these, enterprise organizations should help their agency navigate the following potential internal technical roadblocks to SEO success:

  • Inability to mitigate technical SEO problems due to a lack of access to the client’s CMS.
  • Compliance issues related to content and who is granted access and permissions to the website.
  • The organization uses multiple domains that need to be merged.
  • Internal resistance to the implementation of new brand wording or SEO keywords.
  • Difficulty ensuring SEO efforts are seamlessly integrated with the client’s CRM to ensure MQLs and SQLs are tracked and nurtured effectively to drive a robust sales pipeline.
  • Because SEO is deemed by development teams and back-end tech experts to be a low priority, they’re slow to implement required website changes, or they implement them incorrectly because they don’t understand why they’re required.

These headaches are often compounded in multinational enterprise organizations where development and implementation teams are based in a different country or region than the marketing or SEO departments.

Incorrect Prioritization

Henry stresses the importance of ensuring enterprises and their SEO agencies define and agree on the correct SEO priorities at the outset. “One mistake to avoid is focusing solely on creating net new content without considering ways to SEO optimize existing assets and web pages that talk to areas of strategic importance or have the potential to drive significant revenue.

“Often, applying SEO basics to existing content can drive significant value and result in quick wins. Once your base content is fully optimized, you can start addressing content gaps and backlogs.”

To ensure appropriate prioritization of time and resources, Henry recommends:

  • Developing a prioritization framework that links SEO actions to overarching business objectives.
  • Measuring the effects and outcomes using data-driven insights.

Focusing on areas that don’t generate a positive outcome can result in negative SEO performance and ROI over time.

Unrealistic Stakeholder Expectations

Even if all key enterprise stakeholders and their agencies are 100% committed to SEO, misunderstandings can arise. For example, enterprise stakeholders who have little knowledge of, or aren’t directly involved in, digital marketing may have unrealistic expectations of SEO or not grasp the limitations of an SEO strategy.

“That’s understandable,” says Henry. “CFO and CEOs will naturally be most interested in new leads and sales opportunities, and may expect a SEO strategy to tap into new revenue streams and deliver ROI immediately.

“Because enterprise brands are usually well-known in their marketplace, success is often about owning specific keywords, outranking competitors, and ranking the right page for the right SEO query.”

Henry says it’s therefore vital to:

  • Refine how you communicate SEO results and ROI with C-level stakeholders within the client organization.
  • Spend less time on the “what” of your SEO strategy and more on the “why” in these conversations.
  • Continually educate stakeholders about the intricacies of the discipline of search engine optimization and what it can (and can’t) do.
  • To provide the necessary insights, give key stakeholders access to quality resources like thought leadership white papers, eBooks, research reports, and on-demand webinars.

Choosing an Enterprise SEO Services Partner: What to Look for in an Agency

While SEO has established itself as a vital element of enterprises’ digital marketing efforts, it doesn’t exist in isolation. It requires a coordinated effort with other core marketing disciplines, like branding, messaging, content development (including copywriting, editing, and proofreading) and performance monitoring and reporting through analytics.

The best agencies have honed their enterprise SEO expertise in these areas and can offer a skilled team of specialists in each of these fields.

Let’s look at these core capabilities in more detail:

On-Brand Messaging

This is about ensuring the enterprise’s digital footprint accurately reflects its core value proposition. Henry explains: “When we start working with a new client, the first thing we’ll do is understand their brand promise and key messages and assess how well that’s currently reflected in their website. It’s not uncommon to find that a company’s homepage speaks very little about its actual products and services.

“We work with clients to distill what they really need to say to end users and ensure that the language they use on their website—whether it be their main pages or blogs—connects directly with the needs of their target audience.”

Compelling Content

Many enterprises have an extensive in-house team of SEO generalists, technical specialists, and organic channel owners, but no full-time content writers. More recently, the rise of AI has made some enterprises think that copywriters are optional and that they can rely on tools like ChatGPT to generate all the content they need—an approach that rarely delivers the expected outcomes.

If you’re unable to hire your own in-house content team, look for an enterprise SEO services agency that can assign copywriters with in-depth knowledge of your industry to produce the volume of content you need.

Look for an agency with writers experienced in a broad range of deliverables, including:

  • Content for blogs and product pages.
  • Downloadable creative assets like eBooks and infographics.
  • Curated articles.
  • Press releases.
  • Case studies.

To streamline the end-to-end content production process, your enterprise SEO services partner should also have the following resources:

  • Search engine optimization specialists who put together SEO briefs for writers aimed at ensuring all new content will rank well for different keyword sets and build the client’s organic authority.
  • Account and project managers to work with you to come up with new content topics, assign tasks to writers using clearly formed content briefs, and manage deliverables and deadlines.
  • Editors and proofreaders who will eliminate any typos and grammar mistakes from the content produced.

SEO Reporting and Measurement

Your agency needs to be able to demonstrate the effectiveness of the content they develop or optimize on your behalf with data.

Henry explains, “At Cureight, we analyze data from keyword search volumes and use analytics to establish what’s working and what’s not working. For example, we’ll look at a Google search console to see how many times a piece of content is shown in search engine results. We’ll also look at how many times people click on it to go to the client’s website.

“So, delivering successful enterprise SEO services involves more than understanding a client’s brand messaging, coming up with keywords, and creating content. Agencies need to underpin everything with data to ensure the client’s content drives brand performance.”

A Flexible and Affordable Operating Model

Effective performance marketing requires a wide range of expertise, and building the right in-house team takes time and money. Leading enterprise SEO agencies are adopting a “teams-as-a-service” operating model that gives enterprise clients access to performance marketing expertise on demand.

“This enterprise services model is growing in popularity because clients can fluidly scale up or down and only pay for what they use, which means they can stretch their marketing budgets a lot further,” explains Henry.

“At Cureight, we embrace the teams-as-a-service approach. For every client, we assemble a custom team of specialists with experience in the client’s industry.

“We’ve adopted this strategy because we understand how critical it is that content truly resonates with our clients’ customers and prospects. Our clients want content that makes their targets go, ‘Aha, this makes sense! I should talk to this company about this problem or need I have.’

“To achieve this, we assign marketing professionals who specialize in industry-specific language, understand industry-specific pain points, and can build compelling stories around them.”

Partner with Cureight for Successful Enterprise SEO Services

Cureight’s SEO content services help B2B brands increase brand awareness, generate high-quality leads, and accelerate their sales funnels.

From strategy to execution, we build and manage custom teams with subject matter expertise and experience in each of our clients’ industry verticals.

Plus, we continually measure performance through data analysis and make continuous improvements to maximize ROI.

Contact us today to push your SEO to new heights, watch your rankings climb, and put your end-to-end content marketing on the fast track to success.

Unlock Greater Brand Visibility

See how our SEO strategies can enhance your search rankings and attract more leads.

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